The following post will deal with the topic how the news media covered religion in the general elections.
During my research I found out that in the U.S. religion plays a significant role during elections but it was even more important during the election in 2008. But that was only that important because of Barack Obama who was the first black candidate. So religion got as much important as race during their election campaigns. This is one result of a new study of thecoverage of religion in the campaign coducted by the Pew Research Center’s project for
Excellence in Journalism and Pew Forum on Religion and Life.
Furthermore it got obvious that religion campaign coverage focused more on Obama’s campaign than on any other candidate. But it was also very striking that religion-focused campaign stories were far more often used in a very negative way by the mainstream press. For example there was the rumor that Obama is a Muslim. This topic will be covered later on in an extra post because it was a very big topic in the U.S. Another example of that media coverage of religion is that there was a huge debate about Obama’s relationship with his former pastor. But it was not only Obama who had to face these kinds of religion focused campaign stories.Although Obama’s campaign was the most religion-focused campaign.
But the problem with all these stories was that the media did not take a closer look to these words and what the candidates really believe in.
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