I did a little survey among my friends and family members to find out what they know about the religion our chancellor is part of and if they are even interested in it. Not surprisingly NOBODY knew what religion Merkel is part of. Most guessed it would be catholic or protestant because she belongs to the CDU, a christian party. I need to admit that this did not surprise me, because I do not know myself and I cannot remeber anything written in the newspaper in 2009 during the elections.
But what really surprised me was that I could not find anything about that topic on the internet anywhere. I looked it up on several different websites, but what religion she is part of could nowhere be found even though I was sure to find it when I first started my research.
I did find an interview where she talked about religion in general and that she would not be able to deal with the responsibility she has without her trust in god.
All in all I concluded that Germans do not seem to be as much interested in religion as they used to. Appearently it is an issue not dealt with in the newpapers especially as far as politics is concerned.
So there is one questions left:
Is this going to be Angela Merkels secret forever or will anybody be brave enough to find out?

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